Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where to begin...

...at the beginning is a good place!

Laura and I at opening ceremonies! All pumped up and ready to start walking!

I have to say here... in case anyone isn't aware... I lost my camera on Day 2 at lunch so I have very few pictures from Day 1 and the first half of Day 2. I wasn't taking many iPhone pictures because I was using the camera... which I no longer have... which I am still deeply depressed about. I don't want to talk about it right now.

Day 1 is always fun... your pumped up and excited... there is a bounce in your step and a wave in your arms.

'wave in your arms' you say??? why would there be a wave in your arms???

Glad you asked! When there are 2000 people walking through dressed primarily from head to toe in pink, people take notice. Cars honk, people shout, fame is ours!

Anytime someone shouts or honks all the walkers close in proximity hoot, holler and wave back... it's fun! (well for us and the cars... the neighbors might disagree ;~)

We saw some great sights... the Washington Monument and the Capital... which we had great pictures of... but I lost the camera. Yep, still don't want to talk about it.

Here is our schedule for the day:

Pit Stop 1 - 3.1 Miles
Pit Stop 2 - 5.8 Miles
Cheering Station - 6.9 miles
Pit Stop 3 - 8.0 miles
Grab and Go - 10.2 miles
Lunch - 12.5 miles
Grab and Go - 15.7 miles
Cheering Station - 16.2 miles
Pit Stop 4 - 17.5 miles
Pit Stop 5 - 20.0 miles
From Pit Stop 5 they bussed us back to camp.

So really it's not a 20 mile walk... it's about 10 '2 mile' walks. At least that is what I told myself each step of the way! Small victories mean more confidence ;~)

Laura and I estimated we started walking around 8 (was that right Laura? Already I can't remember ;) and we got to Pit 5 at 5:10. 9 hour and 10 minutes of walking... I'm tired all over again just thinking about it!

But here we are... Day 1 done!

Camera hanging from my arm... *sigh* Still hurts.

Stay tuned for more about the walk!


  1. So sorry you lost your camera. There will be a Breast Cancer 3-Day Lost & Found Retrieval, tail-gate style, tomorrow, Wednesday, October 14th from 3-6 p.m. at COSI, corner of Connecticute Ave. & R St., NW. If you want to come to that to see if they have your camera, please contact coaches@the3day.org so they can let the person running it know to expect you.

  2. Thanks Celeste! I wish I could make it down there but I'm almost 2 hours west with a toddler. I have been in touch with Shawn from the 3day and she is on the lookout for me as well as getting the name of the port a john company (I left it on the hook ;~) If you see a silver canon let me know!
