Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another diagnosis

So without going into too much detail, my biological aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer. She has already gone in to take care of it and hopefully the reports will come back with no metastasis.

I found out in the freezer section of the grocery store. Sometimes email at your fingers tips isn't a great idea.

I leaned on a freezer for support... I felt like the wind was knocked out of me.

I was completely stunned.

I had my son with me so I was jolted back to reality. He's 2 and demands to be heard.

I forwarded the email to my husband and tried to go on with my list.

I walked about 10 feet before it sunk in.

Family history.

One thing the doctors always focus on is family history of breast cancer and now I have more of it. Not just a mom but an aunt too.

I think this was the first time I felt like breast cancer might be a reality.


  1. I have family history too, just keep doing your self exams and your Dr. check ups. I found the lump we just removed and I'm glad we were cautious. Don't let it freak you out too much. All you can do is take the steps to leading a healthy life and keeping inventory of our body. Oh and of course don't forget prayer! :)

  2. Family history...illness... wish I could go give you a hug right now. One more reason to be cautious and stay healthy. I will pray for your aunt and your family.

  3. When you told me this, I knew it was a big deal for you, but it didn't at all register what it meant for you personally. I know it must be scary to add more history. You are aware and doing what you can do, not in denial of the reality that you see. That is such an important part of the fight. I'm proud of you and I'm praying for you.

  4. Hi Jess,
    We'll be praying for you. Have you thought about just going & getting the test for the breast cancer gene that can be done? I have family history of cystic fibrosis & was so thankful that before I got pregnant I found out I wasn't a carrier of the gene (a 50% chance if you have a sibling who had CF). I know it would have been a worry for me the whole pregnancy if I hadn't done the test.
    I know the test doesn't guarantee never getting cancer but from what I've read it does give some options either way.
    Its been great to read about your 3 day, you are a great writer & a great daughter...
